The movement Maker Who are the so-called Makers Maker translated would be something as well as maker, in Spanish the word not is too well translated, to my personally I like say creator (those makers are almost as gods). And now well, would who is a maker?, as already have said is a creator, i.e.,
With this bridge you can use the output ethernet from a PC as a point of Exchange with the wifi, in my case I use it to have internet with Raspberry Pi while working with them. [embed][/embed]
Monitoring with Webmin Introduction to Webmin Webmin is a web interface to manage virtually all of the equipment. We can configure it, turn it off, file sharing... is written in Perl and is a great tool to visualize our server. It will now be much easier to perform certain tasks, however in the following chapters
Arduino and the Internet of the things Increasingly stronger being the union of electronic devices especially Arduino with a Web control, there are several ways of working from the server side (PHP, ASP, Python, Node...) in this tutorial we will make a connection with PHP. The Ideal If you have a device to obtain to
Continuing the loop FOR on Arduino In the previous post we saw an example with the FOR loop of Arduino. It termed as a loop default, that always know few turns will give, this is true but not entirely, in the example above use constant at the time of define the loop knew the number
Everything you need to know about the digital outputs What are the digital outputs? The digital outputs as its name suggests are "OUTPUTS" that can be programmed to have two States HIGH (with 5v) or LOW (low or 0V). I.e., on or off, if any newbie is reading this will think why learn to program
Introduction to the For loop The loop FOR is the type of loop more simple, say that is a loop that since is starts know few turns will give (to difference of while that will stop when receive an event). It is declared in the following way: LOOP FOR ARDUINO for (initialization, condition, increment) {
Components Touch sensor The touch sensor is a capacitive sensor that serves as a button to learn more about the can click here. [caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Touch Sensor Arduino[/caption] Relay to 220V It is a device to separate electrical circuits of the arduino powered 5v to the bulb that operates at 220V. [caption id="attachment_965"
Introduction to relay 220V for Arduino A relay is a relatively simple electromechanical device. Its operation consists of a coil that is energised (in this case to 5v) when this coil is driven generates a magnetic field that moves a metal inside and it opens or closes a circuit, i.e., as if it were an
Introduction to the Touch Sensor for Arduino Principle of operation The capacitive sensor is simply a capacitor that detects when a person press it. He circuit integrated already prepared for arduino has of all the components for a performance right. [caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Touch Sensor Arduino[/caption] Connection of the Joystick It has five two
Teach our children. Boys and girls who belong to Carrizo de la Ribera and surrounding areas have started a new adventure with us to learn about technology and robotics. You can know more than the project in the following link.
Introduction Before you begin to immerse us in the electronics must have some notions about the physics of electricity, perhaps there are too advanced in math concepts, do not worry if you don't understand them many shall not be used, but if it is necessary to have them. This manual is intended to be simple