2 AngularJS introduction

Categoría: programming

2 AngularJS introduction
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  6. May, 2014

2 AngularJS introduction

AngularJS Angular JS is a framework for designing applications web and mobile in JavaScript (is the language that runs on your computer when you open a page). Is based on web of a page (can be of more) which only updated part of the same. Imagine the typical blog, the cabezera, the foot of page,
PHP + Arduino on Windows
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  6. May, 2014

PHP + Arduino on Windows

Arduino and the Internet of the things Increasingly stronger being the union of electronic devices especially Arduino with a Web control, there are several ways of working from the server side (PHP, ASP, Python, Node...) in this tutorial we will make a connection with PHP. The Ideal If you have a device to obtain to
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014

Server Ubuntu – V – PHPMoAdmin

MongoDB As we have already said MongoDB is a non-relational database, this means, that does not have a structure given, i.e. we can add data without necessarily being structured. PHP Although we have installed our server MEAN at the moment are going to use the tool with PHP, later we will integrate more things to
JavaScript and Jquery
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  6. May, 2014

JavaScript and Jquery

What is JavaScript? JavaScript or JS is defined as a language oriented to objects, based on prototypes, imperative, weakly typed and dynamic. As definition is fine but for now if you are beginning to schedule forget a little bit of everything. JavaScript is a language that is born and comes to proclaim as standard on
Loop For for Arduino used as meter light
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  6. May, 2014

Loop For for Arduino used as meter light

Continuing the loop FOR on Arduino In the previous post we saw an example with the FOR loop of Arduino. It termed as a loop default, that always know few turns will give, this is true but not entirely, in the example above use constant at the time of define the loop knew the number
Loop For Arduino
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  6. May, 2014

Loop For Arduino

Introduction to the For loop The loop FOR is the type of loop more simple, say that is a loop that since is starts know few turns will give (to difference of while that will stop when receive an event). It is declared in the following way: LOOP FOR ARDUINO for (initialization, condition, increment) {
Push button switch
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  6. May, 2014

Push button switch

Components Touch sensor The touch sensor is a capacitive sensor that serves as a button to learn more about the can click here. [caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Touch Sensor Arduino[/caption] Relay to 220V It is a device to separate electrical circuits of the arduino powered 5v to the bulb that operates at 220V. [caption id="attachment_965"
Relay for Arduino to 220V
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  6. May, 2014

Relay for Arduino to 220V

Introduction to relay 220V for Arduino A relay is a relatively simple electromechanical device. Its operation consists of a coil that is energised (in this case to 5v) when this coil is driven generates a magnetic field that moves a metal inside and it opens or closes a circuit, i.e., as if it were an
Sensor Touch Arduino
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  6. May, 2014

Sensor Touch Arduino

Introduction to the Touch Sensor for Arduino Principle of operation The capacitive sensor is simply a capacitor that detects when a person press it. He circuit integrated already prepared for arduino has of all the components for a performance right. [caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Touch Sensor Arduino[/caption] Connection of the Joystick It has five two
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014

Server Ubuntu – VII – installation of Odoo

Introduction to Odoo Odoo is an ERP and CRM open source programmed in Python and Postgres database. It is a very powerful tool, as we are creating a Server for testing with the best applications that exist, you can't miss this. Was formerly called OpenERP version 7 passes called Odoo incorporating more Busines Inteligent as
Ubuntu – VI – PostgreSQL server
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  6. May, 2014

Ubuntu – VI – PostgreSQL server

Introduction to PostgreSQL This is the third database installed, it has logic to install a base such as MySQL and MariaDB as relational databases and SQL and another as MongoDB which is non-relational, but do because installing a second database similar? the response is: it need to install ODOO, possibly exist others softwares that require
Server Ubuntu – IV – MEAN
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  6. May, 2014

Server Ubuntu – IV – MEAN

Introduction to MEAN [caption id="attachment_874" align="aligncenter" width="300"] meanjs[/caption] MEAN similar to LAMP, it is a server that uses the following technologies, MongoDB (non-relational database), Express (nodejs framework), Angularjs (the part framework client) and Nodejs (the server-side javascript programming). But what is all this? simplifying we will say that all the programming language is JavaScript and