Categoría: Maker

Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014


A great day in the FabLab Lion, productive with great ideas between all participants, hope we repeat the experience and formed a small group to innovate and improve. Thanks to the attendees. Public a video for controlling LED brightness via a light sensor. Applications of this system are to save energy depending on the sunlight.
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  6. May, 2014


Today is the birthday of our friend Arduino, the small great platform open source. In a little go to the FabLab to commemorate, the truth that I have desire of this event. Then I will post as it has gone.
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014

Article on insulation in buildings.

It is interesting as increasingly grow towards a world more efficient, this means a planet healthier and savings in the expenditure of energy. I recommend this article that it shows how a good insulation helps to gatar less and emit much less carbon dioxide. http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2014/03/06/vivienda/1394110487_876517.html
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014

In full with the Raspberry PI

Well I am cacharreando with my new toy, the truth that is exciting to have a computer for something as well as less 50 euros with expenses of sent and all. In these first steps I am following a guide I found online. http://www.electroensaimada.com/ It is highly recommended and the truth is great, I install
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014


This morning a man woke me up to give me a package with a Raspberry Pi, this afternoon will go to memory card to start working with her... that desire to... I have a project in mind I hope functions well and already postearé, of time high secret...  
Smart Tech Of Things
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  6. May, 2014

Premiering my Arduino.

Yesterday my Arduino with a programilla sencillito, control the intensity and an LED using a potentiometer, Debuts I have done this first application because I really want to change the color of a RGB and the program is very similar. LEDs differ from incandescent bulbs, which vary its intensity by placing a resistance to decrease
My first Arduino
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  6. May, 2014

My first Arduino

My first Arduino Two new things to blog the first is to publish from your mobile, just so encouraged me with more entries. The second is... Finally I have an ARDUINO and nothing less than a mega. So, to see if I do something and I am going a little enriching blog. Exhibitor Arduino If