Maker Tools


Every time I love more the maker movement, for those who do not know, consists of people who manufactured their things, so simple, «do it yourself» (haglo yourself). A less orthodox definition would be craftsmen technology. The boom of these communities has got that stuff as the printers 3D are a product affordable to any pocket.

But what things create or create them makers? because of all, the people of software programillas of computer or of mobile, them electronic systems that make things or interact, the mechanical gears or them parts mobile of a printer… There are makers more technological other more artists and others seeking the balance between the two.

In my experience I want to share those tools open source or free to carry out projects makers.


Logo of Ubuntu UBUNTU AND LINUX The first tool is the system Linux, well for our computers well because more forward talk of minicomputers and carry this system, by this I Center in this and not in them others distributions, although any worth to taste of the consumer. A time installed Ubuntu you have thousand apps free for thousand things.
Eagle EAGLE We continue with this tool to design printed circuit boards, Eagle Software is commercial software, but with a free version that allows us to do many things. I recommend that you try it with version for Linux which for me I have gained as well as user
Arduino ARDUINO This is a platform free of one plate all ready and prepared for programming a microcontroller, you have your own compiler that uses a c-like language why it serves? Basically it does things according to its programming as switching on or off lights with sound, move a wall when approaching a person… We say that it is like a small brain that performs physical.
Raspberry Pi RASBERRY PI It is a mini-computer, i.e., the same thing that makes a PC or a laptop made Rasberry (Franbuesita for friends), multiple operating systems, can be used from some that are just for multimedia systems to a Ubuntu, its functions thousands, convert an old TV into a smartTV, web server, machine recreational… combined with the arduino its applications multiply the frambuesita makes us web server and the arduinos us light and turn off the lights of the House
WordPress WORDPRESS  It is a CSM, that is, a system to create sites websites and easy blogs cheap and simple, without knowing html, PHP or JavaScript, and other web 2.0 things, WordPress can create your website and your blog where to put your project makers. It is as easy as installing it on your server and begin to write as if it were a word processor, you can choose from different designs created by the community and customize them or install plugins to suit your needs. Do not confuse with the WordPress hosted on their own blogs page of wordpress, this is to host them on your own server.
BLENDER BLENDER As makers need a 3D design tool, so for this post I have selected Blender precisely for being open source and be at the height of anyone who makes him competition. It will make our designs for later prototiparlos.
Clone-Wars-logo 3D PRINTER For many of our projects to something physical we need machinery that do us this work, there are great cantidas tools that can help us, but no doubt that boom is taking for being cheap and be able to create virtually any mould is the 3D printer, there are number of brands that sell parts to build them, thousands of places where you download the parts in 3D print somewhere and get it yourself. Therefore here I am not going to decline me for any particular.
fablab FABLABS Finally do not want to leave this post without mentioning the FabLabs are that laboratories of manufacture, they can make your own projects, tend to have a series of machinery that not only includes 3D printers but they are much more beyond to make better prototypes. But the most important of the FabLabs are the Makers «cafes». Where to meet people with your same hobbies and help you in projects, make groups of interest, fostering ideas and create gadgets.

And here the fablab to which I belong.

 Instructables INSTRUCTABLES This is our social network, that of the makers, to publish your projects from code created for arduino, applications for rasberry, designs in 3D to recipes. You can see what other makers do duplicate it, or better still, customize it or improve it so as well to grow our community.
 drip CROWNFUNDING Many makers are not what is said millionaires or simply people with liquidity, so to finance their projects look for campaigns of crownfunding, i.e. beg money in Exchange for certain awards or recognitions to his patrons. These campaigns are used for all types of projects, educational, political, social, makers, research, journalism, and a long etcetera. It could suddenly in our Bank, «financial institution» of the community of makers, why consider it a tool interesting.
mooc MOOC Although there is much information of everything in our beloved great Inernet, there is also the possibility of us target MOOC courses, they are free, and many come with their final examination and diploma. If you are a maker you can create yourself a MOOC, in fact I think that anyone who believes these courses is a Maker regardless of what the course.
 CC.large CREATIVE COMMONS  Once finished our projects and published in our blog or website, we need to indicate that is the type of license to use and authorizations to give to other people to use our intellectual property, if we share, if they can modify them or if they can do anything. I am in favour of open source but understand that sometimes it is not possible that everything is so and if it is also we indicate it to have some ‘ready’ do not copy us the idea and patent for use. Why are licences creative commons as easy as putting the little picture on our blog or website.

These are some basic tools there are many more we could talk about programs Ubuntu for the frambuesita, interesting plugins for WordPress or other million things more, in fact it could make almost a master for every point we have here. There are also more machines to make our 3D designs such as milling machines, cutting laser, lathes and many more, also open sources to create them at home. On the other hand there are more platforms such as Arduino or other MiniPC but the advantage is a strong community creates code designs and improvements thereof.


Greetings and Making

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