Workshops create your BLOG

Last Friday started in Es.pabila workshops to create a Blog/personal website (can also be professional and even shop online), is intended to teach the operation of a site with WordPress, from how to install it on a server, in principle free, insert posts, pages, add themes, plugings… i.e. to be able to get to know this content management system. It is the beginning of a plan that will go beyond, pretending in the future create programming, robotics workshops and the introduction in the "scene" maker.

The idea is not to create a "traditional" class if not a group of people interested in technology, present projects and ideas from our experience to advise and help in all the technical knowledge that participants may need. You don't need a previous level, classes are adapted to you, the most veteran can help you start and you you can help newbies, we don't have a set program, you're the program, answer questions and solve problems is the most important.


Workshops of creation of sites and blogs with WordPress.

Remember that the program Es.Pabila has more activities, so you can enjoy before workshops such as Gomaeva or 3D printing (closely related to the maker world) and then with defense.

The result after the first session have been two new blogs created:

If you interested to come every Friday at 21:00 for a euro space developing.



nunovalencia: Ing. Tec. Industrial. Programador Entusiasta por las nuevas tecnologías.
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