The standard HTML is the format for the display of web pages. From its creation has gone increasing them objects that can implement within the same, on the other hand them large companies of Internet also have added, as for example the Twitter Cards where indicate that photo should show to the share.

2 AngularJS introduction

AngularJS Angular JS is a framework for designing applications web and mobile in JavaScript (is the language that runs on…

PHP + Arduino on Windows

Arduino and the Internet of the things Increasingly stronger being the union of electronic devices especially Arduino with a Web…

Server Ubuntu – V – PHPMoAdmin

MongoDB As we have already said MongoDB is a non-relational database, this means, that does not have a structure given,…

JavaScript and Jquery

What is JavaScript? JavaScript or JS is defined as a language oriented to objects, based on prototypes, imperative, weakly typed…

Server Ubuntu – IV – MEAN

Introduction to MEAN MEAN similar to LAMP, it is a server that uses the following technologies, MongoDB (non-relational database), Express…

Ubuntu – II – LAMP server

Introduction A LAMP server is a set of software for Web sites. Consists of an Apache Server, MySQL database and…

SEO VS programming JavaScript on the server

The because of this issue. Developing an application with social networking APIs, we stumbled upon a matter. I put on…

Metadatos HTML and all about the head

As I guess all know the html is divided in the head and the body, the body is the authentic…

Blogs and SEO

In today's WordPress workshop in Es.pabila we have created a new blog for a young maker. Gisela.drouiz.com Also have migrated…

Workshops create your BLOG

Last Friday started in Es.pabila workshops to create a Blog/personal website (can also be professional and even shop online), is…