web design

2 AngularJS introduction

AngularJS Angular JS is a framework for designing applications web and mobile in JavaScript (is the language that runs on…

Server Ubuntu – V – PHPMoAdmin

MongoDB As we have already said MongoDB is a non-relational database, this means, that does not have a structure given,…

Insert Instagram photos in WordPress

Instagram is a very popular social network through their filters for photos, more and more used to be especially easy…

SEO VS programming JavaScript on the server

The because of this issue. Developing an application with social networking APIs, we stumbled upon a matter. I put on…

Proud of our SEO

For some time we have been doing an important SEO campaign to position certain keywords together with lion, which is…

Two more created websites.

Just of finishing the workshop of Wordpress in is. PABILA, have created a completely whole personal website of a new…

Open Source: what has won, what you can win and its weaknesses.

The open source or open source are softwares or hardwares where you have at your disposal the code to modify…

Think in SEO

Yesterday we had a master class of SEO positioning with @Minipunk a Mason, that is all a virtuoso in social…

Workshops create your BLOG

Last Friday started in Es.pabila workshops to create a Blog/personal website (can also be professional and even shop online), is…

Change of Look

We just make a change of design to our website, we hope you like it. www.drouiz.com