
What is a FabLab?
A FabLab is a space to create a community in lathe to the development and creation of ideas and projects. They are ideal places where you can gather to share knowledge and generate new and innovative ideas in order to practice.

Cards for the Maker Faire Leon

Preparing some cards with a design very maker. We are already enrolled and registered in the lion Mini Maker Faire…


New group of interest in FabLab Leon. We

Maker Tools

Every time I love more the maker movement, for those who do not know, consists of people who manufactured their…

How to know if you have a good installation of alarms.

In the last few days I've been watching certain installations of alarms in commercial establishments and seen, at least in…

3D viewer

I want to show a viewer for 3D objects, it really is a technology that is booming and yet we…

Talk about home automation.

This is the video that opened the month II of the manufacturing Digital, which was taught by Nuno Valencia entrepreneurial…

Fourth meeting of the FaBuilding.

4th of July important, not for being the day of independence day if not for the fourth meeting of the…

After Automation Conference

Just finished the first of six lectures on Digital manufacturing and has been proud to be that we inaugurate this…

We went out in the newspapers

Thanks to Leonoticias and ileum, by promoting the event beginning tomorrow Monday "month of digital manufacturing" with several talks on…

II am FaBuilding

After an initial approach between different professionals and amateurs in everything related to building the future and Smart Cities. Calling…