building automation

Drouiz user guide

As operates the platform Drouiz of monitoring of data? If you are interested in learning about our platform can download…

How to know if you have a good installation of alarms.

In the last few days I've been watching certain installations of alarms in commercial establishments and seen, at least in…

We went out in the newspapers

Thanks to Leonoticias and ileum, by promoting the event beginning tomorrow Monday "month of digital manufacturing" with several talks on…

Conclusions on I FaBuilding

Last Friday we had the first meeting of FaBuilding in Leon, it is a new initiative in collaboration with FabLab…

Scenes home automation

In home automation is called scenes to the schedules of on and off, in this case have a system for…

Example of an Office Automation.

I want to show you a Home Office and remote controlled, this is a first step, little by little I…