Sensor Touch Arduino


Introduction to the Touch Sensor for Arduino

Principle of operation

The capacitive sensor is simply a capacitor that detects when a person press it. He circuit integrated already prepared for arduino has of all the components for a performance right.

Touch Sensor Arduino

Connection of the Joystick

It has five two power and three pins that will be the outputs.

  • GND: GND of Arduino.
  • + 5V: power, five 5V Arduino.
  • VIG: Input digital, 1 if it is pressed and 0 otherwise.

Features of the Touch Sensor

He sensor detects when is you touches with the hand (or any part of the body) usually this sensor detects a certain capacity to the press it our body creates an effect capacitive on Earth enough so the sensor jump to state high.

Touch Sensor operation Arduino

Characteristics of the Capacitive Touch sensor

Work voltage 5V DC
Dimensions 2.0 cm x 2.0 cm x 0.3 cm

Connection of Touch Sensor for Arduino

Design prototyping of the Touch Sensor with Arduino Mega

touch sensor connection

Wiring diagram of Joystick with an Arduino Mega

touch sensor diagram

Programming of the Joystick

Explanation prior

The program is really simple just let an LED lit when you press on the sensor, this device is a button that is only works while pressed as opposed to a switch, which remains in a State.


pinLED int = 13;
int pinTouch = 8;

void setup() {}
 pinMode (pinLED, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (pinTouch, INPUT);

void loop() {}
 digitalWrite (pinLED, digitalRead (pinTouch)); 

Once programmed we will see how it changes the LED

Video of operation

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Article Name
Sensor Touch Arduino
Operation of the button Touch Sense for arduino, exercise power on / off LED to the sel pressed the capacitive sensor.
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nunovalencia: Ing. Tec. Industrial. Programador Entusiasta por las nuevas tecnologías.
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